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Professional consulting & Pricing

Introduction to Astrology & Hypnosis

I believe my reading prices to be very competitive when you consider not only the extensive study this type of work requires, but also the preparation time necessary to provide a detailed and useful reading. I want you have a clear expectation of what you can expect from a reading so that you can understand and it’s value and potential to help you. I also feel compelled to tell you the price we discuss on the phone are fim prices that will not be increased or decreased. Honesty is all important in my life and in my work.

Embracing the Change

Why would anyone offer free sessions?

Well, It’s my way of giving something back with something I do really well.

Unfortunately I can’t offer this to everyone ( I need to make a living too!, so I am offering to help two or three people a month who really can’t afford even concessionary fees.

Basically, I help you and you in turn help two other people and if you can get them to do the same.


In this way you are, in effect, paying for the sessions which I know you will feel empowered, not only for making changes in yourself but helping others who like you need a helping hand.

Solstices in the Eye of Time

Look to this day,
for it is life, the very breath of life.
In its brief course lie
all the realities of your existence;
the bliss of growth,
the glory of action,
the splendor of beauty.
For yesterday is only a dream,
and tomorrow is but a vision.
But today, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
(Ancient Sanskrit)

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